Life is what happens while you are making other plans -- John Lennon

Friday, August 27, 2010

What Happened??

Okay, here is the scenario:  It's my Friday.  I have a 3 day weekend.  I get to leave work a little early,  That's great news in my book.  I get home by 1:20, leaving the whole day ahead of me still. 

Now here's what happened:  Since I had to be up at 3 am, I decide to kill two birds with one stone.  Pool time with a built in nap.  The pool was fantastic, and the sleep was good too.  It's still early, only about 4pm.  Still plenty of time to get stuff done before meeting up with friends for (much anticipated) drinks later that night.  A little drained from being out in the sun for an hour and a half, I decide to cop a squat on the sofa and check out facebook for a minute.  Next thing I know, I fading in and out of sleep.  Finally about 7:30pm, I wake up and decide I need to start getting ready to go out to Vinny's to meet up with my friends.  Somehow, making my way to the shower, I ended up in my bed and woke up at 5am this morning.  Really??  How did I manage to waste away all that time? 

The end result:  This blog.  I am making (yet again) a vow not to watch life pass me by.  So many things I want to do or keep meaning to do, but keep putting off.  Hopefully this blog will help keep me honest and help me live life to the fullest.  Going to bed soon.  We have a big day ahead of of us!  Elitch Gardens and a baseball game. 

Watch out life.  Here I come!

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