Life is what happens while you are making other plans -- John Lennon

Friday, October 8, 2010

For My Friends...

It's been a while since I've posted.  What can I say?  I've been living and loving life!  A day trip back home, a book signing/birthday party, two going away parties, two baseball games, the Great American Beer Festival and a road trip to Boston.  A little bit of trouble and a whole lot of fun!

Thinking about all those things, made me think about all the friends that were involved and even those that weren't.  I have some really good friends, and some friends that may not be so good.  Some friends that I can count on for anything, and some that are flaky as hell.  I have friends that will be there during the bad times and others that will be there during the good times.  Friends that I don't keep in touch with very well, and others that I see and talk to on a regular basis.

As I am writing this, it's an hour into my birthday, and already the birthday wishes have started rolling in.

My point is, I am a lucky person to have all the friends that I do.  To all my friends, you know who you are, I hope you read this.